ccs4dt.main.modules.conversion package


ccs4dt.main.modules.conversion.converter module

class ccs4dt.main.modules.conversion.converter.Converter(input_batch_df)

Bases: object

Converter class is responsible for converting measurements from different sensors into a common format. Sensors collect measurements with respect to their coordinate system. The conversion ensures that measurements of different sensors are harmonized such that they can be compared and aggregated. The conversion includes: 1. Measurement Unit transformation (e.g. cm, mm, m) 2. Rotation transformation (rotate axis of sensors) 3. Coordinate offset transformation (depending on the location where the sensor is deployed within a location)


input_batch_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The input measurement batch

add_sensor(sensor_identifier, x_origin, y_origin, z_origin, yaw, pitch, roll, measurement_unit)

Add a sensor configuration

  • sensor_identifier (str) – unique id of the sensor

  • x_origin (float) – x coordinate where the sensor is installed in the space

  • y_origin (float) – y coordinate where the sensor is installed in the space

  • z_origin (float) – z coordinate where the sensor is installed in the space

  • yaw (float) – angle (deg) counterclockwise rotation of the sensor xy-plane in relation to the location xy-plane

  • pitch (float) – angle (deg) counterclockwise rotation of the sensor yz-plane in relation to the location yz-plane

  • roll (float) – angle (deg) counterclockwise rotation of the sensor xz-plane in relation to the location xz-plane

  • measurement_unit (str) – the unit of the measurement (cm, mm, m, …)


Run the converter for the provided input batch and the configured sensors

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